In the early morning light the Namibian dune rises like a sleeping giant beckoning us to try and reach its distant sandy peak. Ahead of us a stream of people are already on their way walking in single file along the sharp ridge line of the dune. On our left the rusty coloured dune, brushed by the rising sun, falls sharply away. On our right the steep slope drops off in the cold shadow of darkness. Walking up a steep dune is not easy. The sand shifts negating most of your forward motion. It’s only possible by staying on the sharp ridge line. However, it’s made much easier being able to follow the footsteps of those ahead. Isn’t this often the case in life? Trying to forge our own way is not easy. And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to living a Godly life – In fact it’s impossible (Romans 3:10). The only person to reach this impossible pinnacle is Jesus. But the good news is he has left us a trail to follow. “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21). And so, while our journey may not always be easy, Jesus helps us by walking ahead. Today, walk in his steps – talk to him, and he will bring you to pinnacles you never thought possible.