Eph 4:32 – B.Kind

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) – There are many degrees you can choose to study – B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, yet the one which is free to study but has the fewest students is B.Kind. Unlike other degrees that will equip you for a career, B.Kind will equip you for life. However, while some subjects are easier – B.Kind to your family, B.Kind to your friends, some are harder, B.Kind to strangers, B.Kind to the poor, and some are nearly impossible, B.Kind to the unkind, B.Kind to your enemies. We are called to be kind to everyone, forgiving even the unkind. Why? Because this is what Jesus did for us –  pouring his kindness on us, undeserving as we are. Why? Because B.Kind is for you – releasing you from prisons of anger, envy, and hurt. Let Jesus be your teacher. Learn to B.Kind. Graduating with this degree is life-changing.