A grain of sand is so tiny that we can basically ignore it. So are ten or even 100 grains of sand. It’s nothing. In Namibia, there is a town called Kolmanskop. When the mining failed, the people left. Being on the edge of a desert, a few grains of sand blew in. And a few more until eventually, the homes and buildings were uninhabitable, filled with sand. What are the sand grains working their way into your life? What are the micro-moments, by themselves so small, slowly filling your life? We live in a world where social media, ever available, granulated to reels and shorts, to swipes and taps, can fill a spare 10 seconds or 100 seconds. It’s nothing—a few grains of time. And a few more until eventually, our lives and minds are uninhabitable, filled with sand. Our thinking is clouded. Our views are distorted. Our lives are ruined. In Galatians 5:9, we are warned that “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” What seems small and insignificant very quickly takes over. What are you spending your moments doing? Are they grains of sand or seeds of life? “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/col3v16, http://bit.ly/Gal5v9