Gal 5:16 – The Guide
“Stay quiet. Don’t move,” comes the urgent instruction from our game ranger. We are on a game safari and a huge bull elephant has [&hel...
“Stay quiet. Don’t move,” comes the urgent instruction from our game ranger. We are on a game safari and a huge bull elephant has [&hel...
We use formulas to solve many problems, but did you know there is a formula for prayer to solve all of life’s problems? In [...
Imagine you receive a call from your bank, and it’s good news. You have won a fully inclusive trip to visit the seven wonders [...
Surging, foaming water rips me down. I flay wildly trying to find the surface, however in the grip of the powerful rapids it’s impossible [...
I remember once having a vivid dream where I was locked in a dungeon and Jesus appeared and led me out. We then got...
I remember planting seeds for the first time on a farm. It seemed crazy that these small seeds wouldn’t just get lost and die [...
“Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.” (Proverbs 11:28) – It’s not trust that [&hel...