Joh 2v10 – Choosing wine
We are getting married this year, and like everyone always says, a wedding is expensive. You just say the word “wedding”, and everything is [&h...
We are getting married this year, and like everyone always says, a wedding is expensive. You just say the word “wedding”, and everything is [&h...
Recently, as there was no time pressure, I was enjoying a slow drive home, taking in the scenery. It wasn’t long before cars came [...
I remember a really good sportsman being asked why he was so good. He replied, “It takes two things. Lots of dedication, but more [...
We recently left our two small dogs behind when our family went on an extended trip. While we knew the date we would return...
Training for a marathon teaches you one thing – repetition. As I trudge bleary-eyed along the promenade, I watch the sun rise each day...
“When will we be there?” This was a common question our kids would ask when they were younger whenever we travelled anywhere. Most times, [&h...
A thousand years ago, the only means of transportation was a horse or donkey, and most people lived difficult lives totally reliant on their...
Recently we did a Safari through several African countries. At the borders, there is one common question they all ask – “Where are you [...
For my son to participate in the university’s program, we must crawl through a narrow space. “This is crazy”, I think as we slither [&hel...
I’m sitting in an aeroplane, and outside, rain lashes the window while cargo handlers scurry around, bracing themselves against the wind and rain. The [...