While out on a walk, my wife and I came across a plant with the unflattering name of Snot Rose or, more pleasantly called, the poppy-flowered sundew. When touched, long silvery strands attach to your finger and stretch out as you draw your hand away. Its clever technique is to stick to insects and draw them in to feed on. However, what struck me was how a single touch caused these long strands of connection to remain. It made me think about our lives and the people we meet. These “chance” meetings could end there or could be an opportunity for an enduring connection, like a silvery strand, even when we are apart. While all natural connections will end, there is one that stretches across time and space – being connected by Jesus. When Jesus touches us, we stick to him, and he draws us in until we become one with him. And through him, we can become one with all we touch with his gospel. “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.” (John 17:22-23). Today, as God puts people in your path, think about how you might touch them with Jesus, the enduring thread of life, and leave an eternal connection. “Jesus is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Col1v17, http://bit.ly/Joh17v22-23, http://bit.ly/READMore_