I heard a crazy story about a guy who had borrowed $10 million dollars, and when he couldn’t repay it, the creditor just cancelled the whole debt! That’s crazy. But what was crazier is that a few days later, this same guy sued a friend of his who had borrowed $100 from him and couldn’t repay it. But before you get all angry and judgey, this is actually a story Jesus tells (Matthew 18:21-35). And the issue is that I am that guy, and so are you. We have an unpayable debt, our sin, but God has chosen to cancel our sin. However, when someone commits just a minor offence against us, how quick are we to refuse to forgive them? “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” (Colossians 3:13-14). To experience the true freedom Jesus wants to offer us we have to make allowance for others’ faults. Forgive anyone who has offended you, just as God has forgiven you. Then you will experience something truly amazing.