“Whatever you do, DON’T read this before operating.” It would be crazy to have this in an instruction manual. But it wouldn’t matter as most people wouldn’t read the instructions anyway. If you’re like me, the instructions are the last thing I look at, and then only if I really have messed up and can’t figure it out. It’s probably because I’m lazy, or maybe I think I will figure it out. But most people switch off when being told how to do things. It’s crazy, considering the item’s manufacturer knows it better than anyone. The instructions are there to help you. Yet it’s only when we have messed up that we turn to them, and nowhere is this more true than in life. God made us. He knows us better than anyone. He wrote His instructions for us in letters, stories, songs, poems and more. All because he loves us. All because he wants us to live the best life possible. The Bible is God’s instruction manual for us. He didn’t give it to us to make our lives difficult; he gave it to us so we could experience the best version of our life. “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life.” (Proverbs 6:23). Read the Bible and receive God’s operating instructions for life. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Pro6v23