Friday is past. Sunday is coming, Saturday is between. The King of life crucified. Silence. Waiting. Jesus asleep in the tomb, his disciples afraid, uncertain, alone. Friday is past. Sunday is coming, Saturday is between. Between yesterday and tomorrow, between the known and unknown, between despair and joy, between death and life. But here, in the between, in the waiting, in the silence, in the uncertainty, God is found. Moses made the model. A tent. Within it a golden box. On either side, cherubim. “I will meet with you there and talk to you from above the atonement cover between the gold cherubim that hover over the Ark of the Covenant.” (Exodus 25:22). Between – God waits to meet his people. A tomb. Within it a stone box. On either side an angel (Luke 24:4). Between – Jesus waits to meet his people. Friday is past. Sunday is coming, Saturday is between. Are you afraid, uncertain, alone? Jesus is waiting to meet you in your between – between answers, between certainties, between life and death. Jesus is your between. “Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth” (Psalms 80:1). Friday is past. Saturday is between. But Sunday is coming! Open Bible – http://bit.ly/exo25v22, http://bit.ly/luk24v1-4, http://bit.ly/psa80v1