“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15). This is God’s first instruction to humans after placing them in his special garden, and it gives us an important insight into what God wants from our lives. We are given the garden of our lives to tend and keep so we can bring forth fruit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). Tending the garden means making sure the plants are watered, weeds removed, etc. So too, in our lives, we need to ensure we are watered continually with God’s Word, and that we remove anything that could choke our relationship with him. However, it’s not just tending that’s required, it’s keeping. This word means to guard or hedge about. It means putting up barriers so snails and other bugs can’t get in and destroy our garden. And so not only must we tend our spiritual garden, we must keep and guard it. We must not allow anything that can destroy our spiritual lives. Our snails and bugs may be what we watch or the places we go. Guarding against these things in our life is as important as nourishing our faith. You have now just spent time tending your garden, what must you do, or not do, today to guard it? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/gen2v15, https://bit.ly/gal5v22