There was a father who was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. He loved and doted on his daughter and was so proud of all her achievements. He gave her everything she wanted and paid for her to attend the best schools and university. As a result, his daughter became very successful and was highly sought after in industry. However, the busier and more in demand she became in her work and social life, the less time there was for her to talk to or visit her father. The father missed his daughter dearly and cherished every time she reached out to him. But she did not need him anymore and soon it was just Christmas and birthdays that she thought of him or spoke to him. This broke her Father’s heart. Isn’t this the story of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He created us, he provides for our every need. He fills our lives with good things. But when we are satisfied we become proud. We fill our life with pursuing our own worldly desires and forget God. “When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.” (Hosea 13:6). Just as a natural Father yearns for his child so our Heavenly Father yearns for relationship with us. Reach out to him today, and experience the amazing relationship of love he longs to share with you.