They don’t make logical sense. It is designed to not balance by itself, yet people will sit on it, not fall and have fun. It’s the bicycle. A bicycle is useless when stationery but amazing when moving. If you ask experts why a bicycle doesn’t fall over when moving, you will get a range of answers, often even contradictory. However, one thing they all agree on is that the bicycle must be moving to stay upright. The same applies to our spiritual equivalent, faith. Faith, like a bicycle, doesn’t make logical sense. It is not visible or provable, yet people who use it achieve incredible things. But, just like the bicycle, faith must be moving to work. “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17). Sitting on a bicycle for the first time is daunting, yet only when you pedal does it work. Having faith in God may sometimes feel daunting, but unless we act, it won’t work. Hebrews 11 has a list of the top bicycle riders in the Bible – men and women of faith – and every one of them is moving – “Abel brought”, “Noah built”, “Abraham offered”, “Rahab welcomed”. Whatever you’re facing in your life, no matter how impossible it may seem, the more you act in faith, the more incredible your experience will be. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/jam2v17, https://bible.com/bible/111/heb.11.1-3.NIV, 👉http://bit.ly/CLICK_2_SHARE