Nearby where we live is a small dam that we sometimes run past. While the water level fluctuates with the season and rains, this year, with the arrival of the winter rains, the dam did not fill. It leaks and now is simply a big hole with some mud on the bottom – unsightly and of no use. Sometimes in life, we think we can create our own dams that will see us through difficult times. It may be a dam full of money. Or a dam full of possessions. Or a dam full of friends. Or a dam full of knowledge. However, whatever dam we try and build, the weakness is it is as strong as the sand it is made of – ourselves. And like all sand dams, they break and leak, and then we are left with a big empty hole in our life. “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water” (Jeremiah 2:13). There is only one source that will never fail us, and that is God. Let Him be your confidence, your source of life. Sure, we can have our dams, but put your trust in God. He will never leave you empty. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/jer2v13, https://bit.ly/s-h-a-r-e