Near our home, the scenic Franschhoek pass winds its way over the mountain. While most who drive it notice the beautiful scenery, few pay attention to the signs along the road, and often with deadly consequences. What is a sign? It’s a physical reality with a more important meaning. The hairpin bend sign on the pass is physically a triangle made of metal. You could use it to cover a hole or make a roof. But what makes it a sign is when its physical reality meets with its higher level meaning – dangerous hairpin bend ahead! Yet, almost every week, we hear the sound of an ambulance racing up the pass. Why? The driver saw the sign, a metal object on the side of the road, but ignored it. Or, the driver saw the sign, perceived its meaning – dangerous bend ahead – but decided it didn’t apply to them. God uses signs to communicate divine truths with even more important consequences. Signs are the meeting of heaven (a higher meaning) and earth (a physical reality). However, the purpose is to reveal a truth that will guide our behaviour. Or, to use John’s language (John 1:14), signs are the Word (heaven/meaning) made flesh (earth/object). We read in John 20:30-31 that “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” You see the sign. You perceive the higher truth it reveals. Do you take action and experience the grace it offers? The answer determines whether you die or live, eternally. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/joh20v30-31, https://bit.ly/joh1v14