“Walkies!” One word and our dogs are transformed from deep sleep to fevered excitement. As we walk down our long driveway, they run all over the place, freely sniffing and exploring. However, when we go out the gate, we attach their dog leads. The rest of the walk is a little more constrained as they pull against the lead in an attempt to satiate their endless olfactory pursuit. The one dog can sometimes have her lead removed as she will never wander too far and will always return. Our other dog seems to have no idea of danger or when to turn around. The result is that more often he remains on the lead. However, this is only for their safety and ultimate enjoyment. The same is true of our relationship with God. When we attach ourselves to him and are bound by his law of love, his constraint of our reckless behaviour is for our good. It would be an uncaring person who let their dog roam free. This is not freedom, but an inevitable tragedy, as is the case for those who seek “freedom” apart from God. True loving freedom is only found attached to a true loving God. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Open Bible –https://bit.ly/joh8v36