I noticed a dead frog floating in the small tub we filled with water for our water-loving aqua dog to cool down in. The issue was that the frog, attracted by the irresistible allure of the water, could hop in, but it couldn’t get out. And so, sadly, the very thing it most desired would also be the cause of its end. Yet, isn’t this the same for many of us, too? We are drawn irresistibly to what we most desire. Maybe it is the pursuit of money, only to find we lose relationships. Or it is the pursuit of fame only to find ourselves lonely. Or it is the pursuit of what will make us happy only to find we are so terribly unhappy. Or it is the pursuit of freedom only to find ourselves more enslaved than ever before. The problem is that when we are drowning, we can’t save ourselves. We need someone outside of our situation to save us. We are all drowning in a world awash with sexual immorality, hatred, conflict, jealousy, and rage (Galatians 5:19-20), and there is no way we can save ourselves. But Jesus can set you free – no matter how impossible it seems. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). The good news was that I noticed the frog move. He was still alive, and so I set him free. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Joh8v36, https://bit.ly/Gal5v19-20