Life is complex and full of issues and challenges. We struggle to solve our problems. We wrestle with anxiety. We carry heavy burdens. Yet amid all this, young children have total peace and joy. They live in faith and trust. And this trust is abundantly answered. They provide nothing for themselves, and yet everything is provided. They take no thought for the morrow and form no plans, and yet all their life is planned out for them, and paths made ready, opening out to them as they come to them day by day. They live in their home with unspeakable ease and abandonment, enjoying all the good things it contains. Danger, famine, or disease may walk through the streets, but they regard it not. In their home, they live in utter unconcern and perfect rest. They live in the present moment and receive their life without question as it comes to them day by day from their parent’s hands. It’s this faith Jesus requires of us – this faith and total trust of a child. “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17). Don’t live outside. His door is open. Enter and live in the Father’s house and live in total trust of Him and experience what it means to “not be anxious about anything” (Philippians 4:6). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/luk18v17, http://bit.ly/PHI4v6 (Adapted from Hannah W Smith)