How do you picture someone standing who is excited and happy compared to someone who is sad and depressed? When we are happy and excited, we stand up tall and look up. When we are sad and depressed, we hunch over and look down. Our posture reflects our mood. However, our posture can also cause our mood. Research suggests that our physical posture can send signals to our brain, triggering corresponding emotional and psychological responses. And so it’s not surprising that coinciding with our era of record levels of anxiety and depression is our obsession with looking down at our devices and consuming negative and unhealthy content. Yet God’s message is the opposite. “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens” (Isaiah 40:26). God is calling us not to be consumed with the lifeless, depressing things of this world but rather to look up to Him. “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2). Never before have we had so much access to media and news. And never before have we been so depressed and dejected. Yet, God knew this era would come, and two thousand years ago, Jesus said, “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). Don’t look down to consume more, look up to see God and live more. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/luk21v28, http://bit.ly/isa40v26, http://bit.ly/col3v2, https://bit.ly/Share2Friends