“Wake up. There’s water everywhere.” As I sit here typing this, I am in my bed. There is about 30cm of water all around us. Outside, the rain is pouring. We have evacuated some guests who were staying in cottages next door upstairs to our loft. We have no way out. Our access is flooded, and the water is rising. The power is off. My daughter messages from next door, “The only thing that makes me nervous is the main river…if its banks burst”. The storm is intensifying. How will we get out? A battery lamp on the desk is flashing on and off. I can’t reach it without wading through the cold water. On. Off. On. Off. Like my wavering faith. Upstairs, a baby cries. The rain pours. On. Off. What will happen? There’s nothing I can do. I give up…to Jesus. Please, Lord. Protect us. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20). The water is rising. It’s 5:04 a.m. When will the sun rise? So much destruction. We try to turn off the light. It just keeps flashing. On. Off. “My peace I give you…” (John 14:27) I hear him say. His peace floods me. He’s here. Always. My faith may be weak. On. Off. But He is strong. He is here. Always. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Mat28v20, https://bit.ly/joh14v27, http://bit.ly/READMore_