We have lots of emojis for it – 😃 😊🤣😁 – joy, happiness. Yet what is it that brings us joy? Getting a new phone? Going on a holiday? Meeting a long-lost friend? Our sports team winning? Many things can bring us a surge of joy, but it’s a joy that soon fades as the moment passes. Imagine if there was a joy so great its impact continued not for a few hours, or days, but for years, for centuries, for millennia, forever! Two thousand years ago some wise men followed a star which they knew heralded the birth of the greatest king. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” (Matthew 2:10). Look at how many joy words and adjectives are packed into this short sentence – rejoiced, exceeding, great, joy. They saw the sign and found the ultimate source of joy. And the good news is that for those who are wise and not blinded by the false lights of this world, we too can see the sign. We, too, can follow the path. We, too, can come to Jesus, the one born king of the world. And we, too can experience a joy so powerful, so real, it will live in us forever. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). 🌱 Open Bible – https://bit.ly/mat2v10, https://bit.ly/joh15v11