“Hello! What? Sorry, I can’t hear anything you are saying,” I shout as I try and block my ear and press the cell phone harder to my other ear. However, it’s pointless. The noise in the room is too loud. There is no way I can hear a word that the caller is saying. That’s the problem when things are noisy; it drowns out our ability to hear. We live in an incredibly noisy world, not just audible noise but the noise of busy lives, pursuits, entertainment, careers, media, self-obsession. Never before have our days, hours, and moments been so full. There are no gaps. No pauses. No silence. Waiting in a queue, we go online. Sitting in a car, we go online. Watching a movie, it’s a bit slow; we go online. Every gap is filled. Why doesn’t God speak to us anymore? “Hello! What? Sorry, I can’t hear anything you are saying,” I shout as I try and quiet my mind and strain my hearing to hear. However, it’s pointless. The noise in my life is too loud. There is no way I can hear a word that God is saying. It’s not that God doesn’t speak; it’s that we don’t hear. Jesus’ advice comes in six words – “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Matthew 11:15). God is calling. He is speaking life-giving words. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/mat11v15, http://bit.ly/psa46v10, https://bit.ly/s-h-a-r-e