Our dogs love going for walks. But, it’s not the exercise that excites them but the sniffing. It’s their ultimate entertainment – the dog equivalent of Netflix. We call it Snifflix, and they love to binge. This often results in them pulling against the leash, determined to go their own way. Recently, while walking two dogs, both decided they wanted to go in opposite directions. They strained against each other, neither moving nor giving way. If one sacrificed their will, they could both have enjoyed more Snifflix episodes. Yet they were unmoving. It made me think of how often we are like this with each other. When our desires differ from others, we would rather lean into what we want and end up with nothing than give in. We strain to get what we want, resulting in no one getting anything. God’s advice – “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” (Philippians 2:4). Sacrificing our will, when it is for the good of another, is the ultimate act of love. It’s what Jesus did for us – and we know how that changed everything. What sacrifice can you make today? Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Phi2v4, http://bit.ly/READMore_