Paul was in prison when he wrote the short letter of Philemon. He thanks the believers for praying for his release. But what is most astounding is what he asks them to do. “And one thing more: Prepare a guest room for me, because I hope to be restored to you in answer to your prayers” (Philemon 1:22). If they are praying for his release, then they must in faith act on this too. So much so that they must get a room ready for when he is released. All things that we ask God for in prayer are according to his will. Paul also tells us that all circumstances work together for our good (Romans 8:28), which doesn’t always mean what we think is good for us. Nonetheless, prayer is about believing (Matthew 21:22), and this belief should reflect in our actions and conversations. So much so that the people Paul is writing to are told to get a room ready to demonstrate their faith. As it turned out, Paul would not be released, as that was not God’s will. However, acting on their belief was necessary to both show and develop their faith. Whatever you are praying for, believe that God will answer you, even if the room you prepare isn’t filled as you had hoped. However, know for sure that whatever happens, God will soon fill not just your empty room but the whole world with his love (Numbers 14:21). Open Bible – https://bit.ly/phm1v22, https://bit.ly/num14v21