Have you ever lost it or lost control of yourself when you’re angry or mad? What if I saw you getting angry and said, “You’re a fool”? What would you think? Or, what if I saw you getting mad and said, “Hey, you’re behaving foolishly”? How would you feel? You would probably get even angrier and madder, right? But what if God or God’s Word said, “You’re a fool” or “You are behaving foolishly”? Would you listen to God or God’s message? Would you take notice if God’s word told us we were behaving foolishly? The Word of God in Proverbs 14:29 says, “Anyone who is patient has great understanding, but anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish they are.” This year, let’s ask for God’s patience so that we can develop “great understanding”. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Pro14v29 (Charlie T)