It’s 5:44 am. The waters are still rising around our bed. It’s dark, and the rain continues its torrential downpour. Our entire house is flooded. We had just spent months renovating it and getting it set up to run as an Airbnb. Our first guests had just left and we returned to stay. And now…I am concerned about our safety. Is the house strong enough to keep us and guests from nearby cottages sheltering in our loft safe? What if the water rises too high and the river breaches its banks? How will we recover from all we have lost? Sitting on my bed, watching the water rise around me, I look at the Bible reading for today. “A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables.” (Proverbs 24:3-4). The only house that will always be strong is the one built on Jesus. A life full of his wisdom. The rooms of this house will never be flooded and destroyed. These precious valuables are treasures stored in heaven (Luke 12:33). And so as all around us our possessions slowly sink away, I take comfort knowing we have eternal possessions stored in heaven. A hope of eternal life that no storm or flood or even death can take away. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Pro24v3-4, http://bit.ly/Luk12v33, http://bit.ly/READMore_