“Turn right in one kilometre. Continue straight. Turn left.” We are travelling to where we will stay for two nights and following Google’s directions. However, as we continue, the area begins to look worse and worse. Silently we are all hoping that this is just an area we are driving through until Google cheerfully declares, “You have arrived.” What! No! I wouldn’t walk in this area, let alone want to stay here for two nights. Isn’t this a striking warning about our lives? We can so easily get caught up in the journey – the lefts and rights, the twists and turns, and then suddenly, we arrive at our destination – and it’s not what we had dreamed. We have given up so much – relationships, health, family, in the pursuit of the destination, only to be left feeling despair at where we have ended up. Rather than follow your own navigation through life, follow God’s direction. Not only will he show you the way to go, but the destination will also be much better than you ever imagined – “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalms 16:11). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/psa16v11