I’m flying in a small plane and all is well until suddenly the clouds close in. The pilot needs to rely totally on his satellite navigation system. Asking a nearby plane wouldn’t help as they too would have no idea where they were. Asking the air traffic won’t help unless the plane is really close. It’s the satellite that keeps the plane on course. Amazingly, despite no visibility, the pilot navigates the plane to our destination and we land safely, if with a slight bump. In these difficult conditions, there is no room for pilot ego. The pilot must trust the satellite navigation. The same applies to our lives. Our journey is not clear, despite us having a destination in mind. Turning to those around us won’t help, as they too are blind in time’s mist. It’s only God above who can see where we are and guide us to where we are heading. However, accessing his navigation requires our trust and humility. “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” (Psalms 25:9). How can you trust God to guide your life today? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/psa25v9