We were recently hiking in a remote area about 90 minutes drive from any civilisation. We were rounding the corner of a rocky area when my husband, who was in the lead, spotted a large, highly venomous horned adder lying on the path. He immediately cautioned me, and we moved off the path. The snake hissed a loud warning as we passed it from a safe distance. I am not as observant of snakes as my husband is when hiking. Had I been in front and stepped on the snake, a bite could have been disastrous, considering how far we were from any medical attention. Thankfully this didn’t happen, and we could continue to enjoy the spectacular hike. The whole incident made me contemplate how powerfully we need God’s direction and protection every moment of our life. There are so many potential dangers in our walk of life. Dangers that could have disastrous consequences on our life. Our Heavenly Father promises us, if we trust in Him, that He will direct our path and keep us safe – “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalms 91:11). How awesome is that? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/psa91v11, https://bit.ly/Share2Friends (Nicky B)