It was our first Comrades marathon, a huge 90km (56 mi) race, and the fear was palpable. When the gun boom shattered the darkness, runners surged forward, intent on keeping their goal pace even on the first hill. We ran slowly and even walked the hill. I recall the looks and mumbled comments, “they will never make it,” as runners flooded past us. Soon, we were running until there was another hill, and we slowed and began walking again. It was s strategy we followed to the end. A strategy that saw us pass most of those same runners who had flooded past us. A strategy that saw us finish with smiles and a feeling of exhilaration. However, it wasn’t our strategy. From the start, we ran with an experienced runner. He set the pace. He told us when to walk. He told us to ignore the comments. And so it was that we learned a lesson about running that we would never forget – Try easier, not harder. It’s the same lesson we need to apply to the most important race – the race of life. “We’ve finally figured it out. Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying to run the parade.” (Romans 3:28). Ignore what others say. Let God show you how to run life’s race. Try Jesus, not harder. 🌱Open Bible – https://bit.ly/rom3v28