“Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God!” (Romans 8:5)
To experience God’s abundant life requires us to put our complete trust in God’s power to work in us. To trust God with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. When we do this, all our senses become alive to God’s presence within us. We become aware of the living, breathing God working miracles within our heart and mind – transforming us into His image and glory – filling us with His abundant love and peace – giving us His wisdom and understanding. What an incredible and precious gift. “For in Him we live and move and have our being.”(Acts 17:28). Today, let go of trying to solve all your problems; stop leaning on your own understanding. Instead, put your complete trust in God, and His power to work abundant miracles in you and experience God living and breathing in you.