Soul Food
Explore the big questions of life, God, purpose, and more
In life we grapple with big questions around our existence and purpose. Does God have a plan for us? Who is God? What has God promised? When will Jesus return? The good news is that God provides the answers to all these questions and more. Below are a selection of videos that explore God’s Master Plan, the golden thread that weaves through every book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation to you.
If you would like to explore this in more depth, go to “Student’s Feast” where you can signup (for free) and enjoy the full interactive course on God’s Master Plan, plus access to many other interactive courses and meditations too.
Course 1:
What is God's Master Plan?
This opening course will get your mental taste buds excited as we explore answers to big questions like, “Why was the earth formed?” and “What is the purpose of life?
Lesson 1
Does God have a Master Plan?
Lesson 2
What is God’s Master Plan?
Lesson 3
What is God’s Glory?
Lesson 4
What do we have to do with God’s Glory?
Lesson 5
How is the plan progressing?
Course 2:
How will God’s Master Plan be realised?
In this second course we will explore more subtle flavours of God’s plan as we learn about how the Master Plan of God will become a reality.
Lesson 1
Does God have a plan to guarantee His Master Plan?
Lesson 2
What are the promises?
Lesson 3
What do the promises mean?
Lesson 4
What is Jesus’ role in God’s Master Plan?
Lesson 5
What is God’s everlasting Kingdom like?
Lesson 6
When will Jesus return to earth?
Course 3:
Why do we need God’s Master Plan?
In this third course we begin to look deep inside ourselves as we grapple with sin and it’s origin and effect on us.
Lesson 1
What is the origin of sin?
Lesson 2
What is the effect of sin on us?
Lesson 3
What is our destiny without God’s Master Plan?
Lesson 4
Is there any escape from this destiny?
Course 4:
What stops us from participating in God’s Master Plan?
We are getting into the “meat of the matter” now as we look more deeply at ourselves and what causes us to sin.
Lesson 1
Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan?
Lesson 2
What is sin?
Lesson 3
Where does sin come from?
Lesson 4
What causes us to sin?
Lesson 5
Who is satan?
Course 5:
Who is the key to the Master Plan?
In our fifth course we introduce the most delicous element of all – the life-changing taste of Jesus.
Lesson 1
Who is the promised offspring?
Lesson 2
Why do we need Jesus?
Lesson 3
How can Jesus save us from our sins?
Lesson 4
Why did Jesus need to be both son of God and son of man?
Lesson 5
Why did Jesus have to die?
Lesson 6
What does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to us?
Course 6:
Who is the Master Planner?
In our sixth course, its time to meet the “Chef”, the master planner behind everything.
Lesson 1
Who is the Master Planner?
Lesson 2
What is the nature of God?
Lesson 3
What is God’s name?
Lesson 4
Why is God called Father?
Lesson 5
What is the power of God?
Lesson 6
Why is it important to know the Master Planner?
Course 7:
How can we participate in the Master Plan?
In our penultimate course we explore the important questions – “What about me?” and “How do I fit into all of this?”
Lesson 1
What must I do to be saved?
Lesson 2
What is belief?
Lesson 3
What is repentance?
Lesson 4
What is baptism?
Lesson 5
Why must we be baptised?
Lesson 6
Is Jesus the only way?
Lesson 7
What is the new life?
Course 8:
How should a Kingdom Citizen live?
And now for the final course – and this one, keeps on going and noursihing us as we live our life as a child of God’s master plan.
Lesson 1
Am I living a Kingdom Citizen life?
Lesson 2
What does Christ want from us?
Lesson 3
What are the 4 pillars of Christian living?
Lesson 4
What are God’s 3 salvation principles?
Lesson 5
What are practical implications of Christian living
Lesson 6