Sacrifice of Thanks
Entry to God’s presence in the Tabernacle could only be gained by offering a sacrifice. Sacrifice defines our path to God. It’s why in [&h...
Entry to God’s presence in the Tabernacle could only be gained by offering a sacrifice. Sacrifice defines our path to God. It’s why in [&h...
Have you ever had some really good news that you were bursting to share? Just before his crucifixion, Jesus did a dress rehearsal entry...
An engagement is one of the most exhilarating times of one’s life. Planning, designing, the location, the proposal – all a part of creating [...
There is nothing more amazing than seeing someone totally transform for good. Sometimes, we see the process, but other times, the process is unseen...
Is your life filled with God’s abundance? When God brought Israel into the promised land, he gave them a land with streams; a land [...
“Wow”, we gush, looking in awe as the tap turns and water comes out. “That’s awesome”. For most of us, this would hardly be [&hellip...
Thank You. Two words we all love to hear, yet how often do we say it? Gratitude is not only one of the most...
The music begins causing a hush to fall on the waiting audience. They rise as he walks ahead, carrying the mace on his shoulder...
Streaks are a blessing and a curse; it seems most apps now have them. Every day you open the app and perform a required...